Ruste Juxx feat. Tony Gore – “Bread X” | @rustejuxx357 @tonygore20 @BigBobPattison


Crown Heights’ lyrical king Ruste Juxx pairs up with producer BigBob Pattison’s hot new upcoming artist, Tony Gore on a classic boom bap cut called “Bread X”, fueled by infectious cuts from Italy’s DJ Fastcut.

“Bread X” is new off The Ruste Juxx Collection project that recently dropped last week. The project includes ten tracks of pure, unadulterated boom bap sure to get your heart beating and adrenaline pumping. An album years in the making, BigBob and Ruste inject their blood, sweat and tears all throughout the presentation.

This project puts Pottersfield at the forefront and ensures that true Hip Hop lives on.

You can grab The Ruste Juxx Collection on audioMack.


@rustejuxx357 | @tonygore20 | @BigBobPattison

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