One name comes to mind when we hear the phrase gamechanger, and that’s Lillie Mae, The Collective. As Business Consultant, Media Correspondent, Public Educator, CEO & Station Manager at ID 104 Radio, Executive VP of Sky IV Records, and CEO of Consulting Express, her accolades are recognized and respected not only nationally but internationally as well.
Lillie Mae utilizes her media platforms, It’s Consulting Time, All Things Authentic, and ID 104 Radio to provide an outlet for all creatives to share both their voices and talent. Her platforms also have an interactive avenue to shine a light on human rights and social justice/injustice. “I’m versatile and believe in purpose over popularity.”

Connect with Lillie Mae below
Twitter: @senojconsulting
Facebook: (5k+ likes) @lilliemaethecollective (5k+ likes)
Instagram: (25k+ followers) @senojconsultingxpress | @lilliemae_thecollective | @id104radio | @skyiv_records (25k+ followers)