Kenny Kingpin – “I Know How 2 Eat” | @KennyKingpin


Some say it’s not the struggles you go through, but the way you overcome them that makes you the person you are. For Crenshaw’s own Kenny Kingpin, his latest release “I Know How 2 Eat” reflects what it means to be in survival mode in an urban environment, and details the triumphant feeling of victory of overcoming the vicious cycle of poverty, prison and violence. The Chuck Heat produced track provides the perfect backdrop as Kenny brings us tales of past, present and future, proclaiming his ability to come up and handle business on his own.

This one will find a home on the Los Angeles representative’s upcoming EP “Better Than Dope Money”, which is slated to drop in the very near future. Stay tuned for more on the horizon as the boss of Cali looks to continue his reign at the top of the game!

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