Dustin Hairowayne – “There Never Was A Box” EP


Colorado native, now Cleveland transplant Dustin Hairowayne has always had a different way of looking at things. Not one to keep things boxed up, he tells us about his new project…

The concept of “thinking outside of the box” to me is an overrated concept. It suggest that one should even acknowledge the existence of a “box” when thought is the topic. I made this EP to place a paradigm shift into the global consciousness in-that there is no “box”, there are no “rules”, there is no “limit”. My cover art which I made on my phone, is a play on words. She covers her “box” but its just a painting therefore in all actuality there never was a “box”. In this project I cover different spectrums and genres from Heavy Metal to spoken word poetry.

The 9 track EP is consistent throughout with a progressive difference on each track that really ties the whole thing together as one. On the production side Mason Jalloway (Mj The DJ), Rocky Laurent, Desmond Brown, & Darcell Forrest provide the backdrops, with features coming from Tece, Gucci Tone, Playboi Carti, Marc Lamont Hill, Lebron James, & Malcolm X. Check it out!

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