In the heart of a tumultuous time, Hollywood Cobain has crafted a deeply personal narrative in his new single "Tryin." This track, recorded in April 2022, emerged during a period of Cobain’s...
Rappa is proving to be evolving at lightspeed based on the creativity embodied in his latest project Trappin In Tha Summer.
Following the delivery of his Trappin In Tha Winter 2 mixtape this...
Johnny Lugautti has returned alongside Alabama native Yung Bleu for their new collaboration “Secrets.”
Using his position as a buzzing rapper, Johnny speaks on his experience with women and the "Secrets," they hide...
G. Finesse keeps pace following his “Keep The Fame” collaboration and continues to use his uplifting lyricism to motivate his listeners via his latest release “We Gon’ Make it.”
The second single from...
Pikes Peak International Raceway in Colorado Springs will be home to the 2022 edition of the Alpine Horizon Music Festival this year which kicks off Friday, September 9th and runs through Sunday, September...
Lil Murden is not falling for the "Tricks" scandalous women throw at him because he is too busy tricking them first in his latest visual single.
Big Murden raps about the number of...
New Orleans-bred rapper Kidd Kidd almost lost his life when he inked a deal with 50 Cent's G-Unit record label in the early 2000s, following West Coast rapper The Game's departure from...
Following his recent singles including “Hidden Emotions” and “Pop,” La Jose kicks the year off with his fast-paced “Chris Tuck” single produced by Lino Tarentino.
The release of the single marks a major...