Dot Cromwell brings his own personal experiences with his newest single – Crushing On You @Dotcromwell


Dot Cromwell brings his own personal experiences with his newest single “Crushing On You,” which pays homage to Lil Kim, Lil Cease, and Biggie’s “Crush On You.” Showcasing his lyrical talent while telling detailed truths of his experiences with the bevy of women he’s been with, he cooks up a hit with a nice, fresh bounce to help end the summer right. Cromwell’s musicality and rap skills will tell his story that’ll have fans wanting more from his upcoming mixtape the Vanity Tape, which will be the prelude to his long awaited album, God Complexxx.

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AV8TED Presents:

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Dot Cromwell, is an African-American song writer from Philadelphia, PA. He is also recognized as a “Culture Creator” for founding AV8TED, an urban classy movement meant to attract and bring together a diversity of talents and mindsets from different disciplines. As a “Culture Creator” Dot has managed to acquire residency in Brooklyn creative hub, The Parlor. At The Parlor Dot host Soiree’s, Family dinners, and Recording/Jam Sessions

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