Dutchie Montana Unleashes 8 Track EP, “90s Savage


90s Savage is a 8 track ep, project number 4 for Dutchie Montana, this project was made to give you a understanding of different obstacles and real life situations that occurred in his life and also shine light on the 90s era. Get familiar:


Dutchie Montana has always had a special talent and a way with words and music. After doing 6 years in jail 2011 until 2017 he missed a lot of important years so he had to work extra hard, 4 projects and 12 videos later he has perfected his craft and put out 90s savage which has brought the artist a lot of positive feedback and recognition.

Social media links:

Dutchie Montana Instagram: von_dutchhhh
Dutchie Montana Facebook: Dutchie Montana
Dutchie Montana busines ig: heavyentworldwide
Management ig: gcode412
Youtube: Dutch Spazz
Al online outlets: Dutchie Montana


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