What Drives Entrepreneur Sylus Modlin’s Success With 2-6 King Wavy?


Sylus Modlin is an entrepreneur thriving in this insanely diverse ecosystem of startup businesses in 2020. He is responsible for the 2-6 King Wavy brand of hair care products, which have seen an increase in sales recently. Sylus, who is from Fayetteville, NC is a spiritual business man that has established a premium hair care product line with desires of becoming a family name that his children can one day spearhead. He’s been in the hair care industry a little over three years, and despite the fact that he’s had previous businesses, this one has been one that he’s most passionate about.

Sylus comes from a 2 parent upbringing and gained a whole lot of his center values from his father who was in the army and most of his spiritual gifts from his mother being an entrepreneur, Sylus has discovered that he has to lean more on the spiritual side to keep him going. Up until lately, his 2-6 King Wavy brand was only a side business, however, he realized that “God” gave him the capacity to create a world of his own and be his own author of his story, and no longer will he waste it on doing anything he’s not passionate about.

In addition to being a business owner, Sylus is also a father and all around family man. His biggest focus is family and ownership, “being able to get out of the rat race of not having generational wealth as an African American”. Beyond the brand he takes the time to engage and connect with his supporters, via social media, YouTube, in-person or whatever it takes to be as transparent and genuine as possible. A lot of his audience are on the younger end of the spectrum without father figures and he uses that opportunity to be a role model/positive male figure. It doesn’t just stop there, growing up he knows how vital it is to give back to our communities, with that being said 10% of his company earnings goes to Angels on Wheels Charity Organization. Beyond the earnings, Sylus actively feeds and provides transportation for the homeless as much as he can. He doesn’t have many influences but one entrepreneur that he points out is Master P, because “he believes in the power of ownership with everything he does, from fashion, music, food and more.” In the next 5 years he plans to partner with his wife to help single mothers get back on their feet while watching the 2-6 King Wavy Merch, LLC becoming a brand sold in the top 50 Black Owned beauty supply stores.

While 2-6 King Wavy is an up and coming brand, he’s already worked with a social media heavy hitters such as; Funnyman Gaitlin (IG Influencer), Desi Banks (Comedian), Ha Ha Davis (Comedian), and Corey Pritchett (YouTube Influencer) just to name a few. One thing he wants to leave with anyone that is aspiring to become a business owner is “if you don’t have a relationship with God and if your intentions are not good, Please Do Not Attempt!”



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