Under The Tent Interview:Prin$e Alexander|@ItsPaFromPa

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How did music become your passion?

  • It comes from the heart.  I can’t explain why or how but it’s a constant yearn to grow.  Since i started the art of it has been a blur because repition is the father of learning.  I’ve worked so hard that it’s not music that’s my passion but rather my passion is music .

How has life and its experiences influenced your music?

  • All my regrets and mistakes in life are cured within my music .  i’m motivated by the good , the bad, and the ugly.  Although my life has had many road blocks i wouldn’t change a thing because i surely wouldn’t be the artist i am today without the experiences.

Have you ever wanted to just stop doing music and pursue something different? If so why?

  • Like i said earlier my passion is music. As long as i’m breathing i’ll be involved in this industry. i’m blessed to be able to do more than just rap. It’s so fulfilling to not be dependent on anyone . I’m a free agent , no manager no label just me and my own investments driving this life.

Love All Fear None is the name of your latest project. What all do you love? How come you don’t fear anything?

  • not only is it the name to my project , it’s also the name of my label (L.A.F.N. Records). I live by this motto.  I realized that we have all been built on fear in america. through the media, our education system , the police ext… so why not switch it around and show all love. Real love not no fake sarcastic shit. I’m sacrificing my privacy to bring people into my own life what is there to fear?

When people see and hear the name Prin$e Alexander, what do you want them to always think of?

  • i want them to see that what i do isn’t for fame or clout. i want my name to ring bells within the legends of the game. i truly have my own lane and will create an avenue for the voiceless.


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