Trio aka PROFIT – The 32 Ounces Playlist | @_TrioCity


all white phase 10.5

Chicago native Trio aka PROFIT delivers The 32 Ounces Playlist an innovative playlist

“The 32 Ounces Playlist” is a playlist of 32 songs recorded by Trio aka PROFIT while living in NEW YORK CITY 2017-2018.

The Playlist includes some exclusive #Dope from Trio aka PROFIT, a few freestyles, some original tracks produced by J Hostyle, and a few industry beats that he felt the need to bless.


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Trio aka PROFIT is an innovative rap artist/producer from the south side of Chicago.

Features include Prince Styles, Mighty Da Don, BMB Tha Don, Tezzy Flocka, Gee Gunna, King Shas, Beezy, Marcus Areli, Smokie Johnson.

Listen, like,  & enjoy on Spinrilla Livemixtapes Datpiff MyMixtapez SoundCloud

Follow Trio aka PROFIT on IG @CallMeProfit Twitter @_TrioCity


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