KC – “Vango”


Providing a variety of sound, Gary, Indiana native and now Nevada resident KC has a story to tell. Providing us with 11 brand new cuts all packing a different flavor, the diverse emcee says about his brand new project “Vango”…

I lived in Maryland all thru high school and while everybody else was driving to school and whipping around the city I was catching the bus. The Vango bus where you pay 1 dollar 1 way and 2 dollars to ride all day. Vango started off as a single I dropped towards the summer but turned into my first original body of work. Each song on here takes you to a different part of my life. Whether I am being influenced to do wrong with my homies or me putting you in the hospital room as I find out my grandma has a tumor. Throughout this tape you will hear growth from a young man.

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