Innocent? – “Grateful” | @INNOCENTFLOW13


THEM Recordings’ Innocent? releases a charitable track specifically for the disaster victims entitled “Grateful”.

Producer Stan Da Man and Innocent? have decided to donate all the proceeds from the sale of their new track to the victims in Texas, Puerto Rico & Mexico. Recent hurricanes and earthquakes have dramatically affected these areas. They just want to do their share of giving back to help the cause. The song costs only $1, but if you decide to donate more it would be greatly appreciated. They have a lot to be grateful for and they’re sure you do too. 

You can download the track, available now on both bandcamp and HearNow.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=3906824843 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc tracklist=false artwork=small]


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