Howard Law Student Quron Payne Drops Off Latest Visual For “Be Something”


Howard Law Student Quron Payne released an inspirational single titled “Be Something” for the dreamers. After taking a break from the music scene, to pursue an education, Quron Payne said, “I always planned on returning to music. It’s my passion. It’s my love. But being astute in the music business has taught me that “education” is an important part of the business”.

The multi-talented artist not only delivers motivational messages within his music but also expands on his creativity by helping co-direct the visuals for “Be Something” with cinematographer @CTMFILMSTV.

When asked “why the return now?”, Quron responded, “Law school has expanded my thinking, and Howard University Law School has inshrined in me the importance of advocating in all areas. There may be a scholar out there who is scared to shine as bright as they can because of a perceived social conflict between their passion and chosen occupation, but I’m here to tell them people are going to talk regardless, and that’s those people’s problem. Not you your’s, it’s your job to Be Something”. You only get one life.


Instagram: @QuronPayne

Twitter: @QuronPayne


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