Hollywood Prada – Just My Thoughts | @Hollywood_Pra @dvaliaskhryst @the_end_crowd


Following the release of her Paradigm Paradise album, The End Crowd engineer, Hollywood Prada gives us her sophomore release, Just My Thoughts.

From hip hop to trap to R&B, Just My Thoughts is a 12-track body of eclectic variety that continues to show Hollywood’s versatility. The album features guest lyrics from videographer and rapper John Karter (who directs most of her videos) on “What It Cost Me”, Mookie Styles (“Second Chances”), NOLA lyricist Look Alive (“It Is You”) and Atlanta rapper M. Jae the Great (“F.I.L.L”), who appeared in her “F.S.O.” single from her debut album.

Just My Thoughts is available now on iTunes and Spotify.

@Hollywood_Pra | @dvaliaskhryst | @the_end_crowd

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