D. Green- For The F.E.W. (FansEveryWhere) @MyNameIsDGreen


For-The-F.E.W.-FansEveryWhere-EP-Front-Cover1 D. Green

Back in December Bronx native D. Green dropped the single “Get Em Up” which was the prelude to his current EP “For The F.E.W.” (Fans Everywhere) Now we have been blessed with the project in its entirety. If you’re taking notice you’ll see that Hip Hop is coming back to the era of substance and D. Green is one of the Emcees at the head of the pack.

About his latest body of work D says, This is For The F.E.W. Just a few songs, telling you my story in a few different ways. This EP is only For the F.E.W. The few who have truly enjoyed my music and my efforts as an artist. The few who are just getting acquainted with me, my music and want to see where I am going to take it. The few who are looking for something a little different in Hip Hop, if only for a few minutes. This is For The F.E.W. The #FansEveryWhere. No matter how many or how little, this is for you and I hope you enjoy. D.Green


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