DMV titan Fat Trel goes on "Airplane Mode" with help from Beantown barsmith Millyz. Accompanied by a matching music video, the Kidd Slopes produced collaboration from the east coast emcees follows Trel's...
In support of her debut LP 'Paracetamol,' which draws its name from the widely known pain reliever Acetaminophen, K-Pop phenom Yulee Choi PKA YULEE will deliver a one of a kind performance...
Saint-Côme is an emerging artist on the verge of superstardom. The new sensation of the infused Afro-Pop makes a formal introduction to the world in the buzzing track "Pressure."
Directed by Era Filmz,...
Before she headlines Festival of Nations at Tower Grove Park next month and delivers the re-release of her debut LP 'FRIENDZ,' Mai Lee joins KVTheWriter on the official remix to her Reggie...
HTX's artist to watch Bando connects with in-house producer Thizaezbeat for his latest release "Chain On."
Perfect for getting dressed, pre-gaming, driving to your destination or the main event, the statement making track...
Ahead of his fourth studio album ATMOSTFEAR, which will be released tomorrow, GAWVI reveals the project's official artwork. In-conjunction with the out of this world theme seen in the creative direction on...
In preparation for his forthcoming album Better Late Than Never, New York's own Juelz Santana enlists Jadakiss for the R2DaEz & Duke Dollas-produced anthem "Party N Bullshit." Accompanied by a new music...
Emerging Memphis-based artist K Carbon is poised to mesmerize audiences once more with her much-awaited project, Diary of a Hustler.
With a style that is a unique blend of Southern hip-hop elements and...