Bee-Stinger Unleashes “Snacks In The Night” Video


In his new video for “Snacks In The Night” Hip Hop Movement owner/Civil Rights Advocate/former member of the New York State Democratic Committee Ron Savage calls out lyrical clowns and clout chasers.

Over an arrangement of gritty melodies “Bee-Singer” (Ron Savage) lays down hard punchlines addressing the lack of knowledge and showmanship towards Hip Hop, the culture, and its elements. Amid his lyrical purge, Stinger does acknowledge Hip Hop OG’s who are still creating timeless gems to preserve Hip Hop and keep it at the forefront. Watch the official video for “Snacks In The Night” and connect with Bee-Stinger and the Hip Hop Movement below.

Head over to YouTube to catch Bee-Stinger’s other latest videos “Drop Low” and “The Monty Diss Track.”

Ron “Bee-Stinger” Savage

Owner of the Hip Hop Movement Servicemark

Hip Hop Movement (R)

Hip Hop Movement Podcast

Hip Hop Movement Steaming Channel on ROKU TV 

Hip is the Culture Hop is the Movement


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