“Sad Song” Is the Fredo Bang / FL Dusa Collab The Streets Waited For


After almost 90 days of freedom from the Feds FL Dusa has finally given the streets the Fredo Bang collab they’ve been clamoring for. Typical of street anthems, “Sad Song” is anything but. Instead the song serves as a warning for the loose-lipped and disrespectful, Baton Rouge classic – debuted on Fredo’s own channel.

“Bitch I’ll turn a diss in to a sad song. Bitch I’ll turn a diss in to your last song”

Baton Rouge native FL Dusa came out the pen swinging at the end of March with “1st Day Out” Parts One and Two and hasn’t stopped spitting since. He tells us he already has at least 3 mixtapes worth of material ready to go and the labels are watching. Expect tracks with more fellow Baton Rouge brethren like Kevin Gates, and also homies like Trapland Pat.

Keep ya eyes on the Gram and ya ear to the streets. You DON’T want to miss this.



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