Under The Tent Interview: Mistajay( @nccrecordempire)


Under The Tent: What inspires you to be a part of the hip-hop culturee

Mistajay: The inspiration comes from the love of Hip-Hop the art, the elements, and the effect that it has on people worldwide.

Under The Tent: Who are your influences both past and present?

I have so many influences and as a consummate student of the game if I had to pick a specific few it would be Krs- One, Ice Cube, Wu-Tang Clan as far as recently Kendrick and Cole definitely give me inspiration.

Under The Tent: What kind of impact do you wanna have on the culture and its commmunity?

Mistajay: I want to inspire emcees as well as listeners and hopefully tell the stories that need to be told through my music.

Under The Tent: Musically what are you working on right now?

Mistajay: There are two projects in the works one my solo album “One heartbeat away” The Empire album “Is this where we leave you?” as well as rereleases of 5th letters Long time coming and The Empire’s “NCC Records Presents… The Empire”

Under The Tent: Any singles or current projects available for the people to check out?

Mistajay: Two mixtapes The Darkages http://www.datpiff.com/NCC-RECORDS-THE-EMPIRE-The-Dark-Ages-mixtape.571902.html The Underground Experience Vol 1. http://www.datpiff.com/DJ-Flashfader-Underground-Exprience-Vol1-mixtape.815383.html and single “NO Better Than This” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPPn6cn7p_E&feature=youtu.be on Itunes, Spotify and Pandora

Under The Tent: What kind of voice do you wanna leave for the next generation?

AS a part of that I definitely try to show love to other indy artists network and try offer as an artist a body of work that is reflective of the culture and show that lyrics matter.

Under The Tent: How can the people follow you via social media?

Mistajay: @nccrecordempire on twitter NCCRecords THE Empire on FB and nccceo on IG www.empiremusiq.com


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