8 At The Table Ft. DJ Sussone, The Carolina Rose, and Chef JR Robinson


Creator and Executive Producer, Alain Sajous, came up with the interesting idea to create “8 At The Table”, a NEW web series where eight people from all different walks of life, get together to discuss topics pertaining to love, sex, and relationships. The show airs every Sunday evening on Facebook and Youtube at 8pm (EST).

“I created the show because there was a void where people need to have the opportunity to discuss their relationship issues with others who may share different perspectives on the various topics selected”, states Sajous. “Some of the topics discussed are: “Do you believe in soul mates?” / “How private is your love life?” / “Would you date a couple?” and the topics can go on forever. Garnering massive views and engagement from the show’s Instagram page, it is evident that viewers and subscribers are hooked”, states Sajous.

Ranging in ages from 50 to 21, each cast member brings a different experience, demographic, and cultural belief to the table. “The conversations get heated, but at the end, everyone walks away with a different perspective on the topic”, state Sajous.

Now into the show’s sixth episode, “8 At The Table” is doing extremely well. “Our numbers are looking great” states, Lynn K. Hobson, Co Executive Producer for the series. “All together, we have garnered well over half million (500k) plus views.”

“The show is intriguing, informational, and hilarious. Some of the things that come out of our cast members’ mouths are jaw dropping”, states Producer Elijah “Emazing” Smith. “Every time we film an episode, I personally walk away with new angle on the topics”.

Check out this episode which features DJ Sussone, The Carolina Rose, and Chef JR Robinson:


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