Rohan Da Great recently Chopped it up with Purple Bars to engage a few fan questions.  Purple Bars takes us BTS for an exclusive look into the commanding stage presence of Rohan on Dani Deahl's "SMYK"...
I put em up on Chaz French almost 3 years ago through this freestyle filmed at Webster Hall In NY when I was a correspondent at Hip Hop Vibe. He has done...
Fresh off of his remix of Kanye West's "Real Friends" (SpitStyle) last week, Rohan continues his assault on the online media world with new behind the scenes footage of the 2015 SMYK...
Fresh off of his remix of Kanye West's "Real Friends" (SpitStyle) last week, Rohan continues his assault on the online media world with new behind the scenes footage of the 2015 SMYK...