Get ready for a wild ride! Television longest-running urban comedy show with over 200episodes spanning two decades, is hitting the road for its tour, "Wild 'N Out Live: The Final Lap." Kicking...
Devin Resnik got her start with music by singing before she could talk, songwriting before she could draw, and teaching herself guitar before she had a camera phone.
As an elementary school student,...
Hyping up audiences for a major moment this summer, charismatic and trailblazing rapper Buddah Baby aka The DMV Reppa has released his anticipated new single, "In The Trenches," featuring multi-platinum rapper Conway...
British pop-singer Esmae brings the heat in her latest single "Fire." With elements of hip-hop, the bouncy tune aims to empower women everywhere as it spreads the message of self-love and independence, with a guest...
Acclaimed author and MC William Young has once again proven his lyrical prowess and emotional depth with the release of his latest single, "Don't Cry On My Grave." This powerful hip hop...
Great achievers possess an innate sense of purpose and an unwavering desire to leave behind a lasting impact. For musicians, their music becomes their enduring legacy, a form of "immortality" that transcends...
Released on June 5th, “As Real as it Gets” by TheOAOProject, hailing from the vibrant New Orleans area in southeast Louisiana, is a must-hear rap/hip-hop track that captures the essence of authenticity...
Philly rapper Husky drops a new freestyle showing how much weight his bars hold in the city of brotherly love. Flowing over 50 Cent's "Gunz Come Out" beat from The Massacre album, Husky goes pound for...