Mista Mo Ft. Ralo & Young Greatness – Lemonade


Next up, out of Jacksonville, FL, is Blu Money Ent. founder Mista Mo. Just like many artists, there’s a crucial point over the course of their career when they transcend to the next level. For Mista Mo, this moment was after he finished a five year prison sentence and came home with a newfound sense of determination. Having already captivated listeners earlier this year with his single “Ever Ever”, Mista Mo keeps the pedal to the floor with his latest release. Featuring Ralo, who recently released his Ralo LaFlare mixtape hosted by Gucci Mane, as well as Young Greatness, who is most well known for his hit single “Moolah”, Mista Mo’s new single “Lemonade” finds the three artists coming together to create a new heater. Not only will Mo’s latest work beat the breaks off your favorite stereo, but the streets will devour the new sounds, leaving plenty anticipation of what’s to come from Mista Mo.

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