Pro Kane – “Perspective”


Harare, Zimbabwe native Pro Kane has officially released his “Perspective”. Says Kane…

“Different lives meet on different paths and learn from their differences. Being from a relatively small place, making the move to a big city was when I started to see things a bit different, the birth of my perspective and through all the new experiences the only thing that’s stayed the same is the love for music.

I always rep where I’m from; I can’t change who I am, I’m proud of who I am and there’s a lot more about where I come from. Time will Tell. I share my experiences which have been shaped by different choices that I can’t completely say are wrong or right, but that’s my life”.

With Features from JR Sovereign on “Granola” and the Prince BuBs, “Perspective” has it’s own feel to it. The backdrop is provided by producers such as Simba Tagz, Kay-Kwa, Young Zif and Rayobeats, who really set the narrative for the way the whole project plays out.

With this being his first release, you can expect this is only the beginning for the international artist. Stay tuned for a lot more moving forward!

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